Chris Fox (Chairperson), Andrew Scattergood (Secretary), Kerry Barker, Sally Bean, Sue Scotcher
Charlie Wraith MBE (Councillor), David Gill (Community Development Officer)
Tina Heaton, Julia Keeling, Chloe Roberts, Rowena Butteriss
CF welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked everyone for coming. He gave apologies (above).
Notes & Updates:
- The minutes are now available to view on the Visit Cudworth website.
- The next CBCT meeting will be the A.G.M. Due to several date clashes relating to committee members the date was set for Wednesday 1st May 2019.
- The update to our bank account is still progressing to add Andrew Scattergood. We’ve sent signed meeting minutes as requested by the bank on 23.03.19: Signed by CF and JD.
- CF attended a reception with the Mayor Barnsley and other Cudworth volunteers 25.03.19.
- CF spoke Cliff Gorman (Cudworth History Group) about working together on the Cudworth Walking Map. Contact was also made with Mr Gorman during the meeting and he confirmed his attendance at the walk on Sunday 7th April.
Treasurer’s Notes
- Outgoing March 2019: £8.39 / Total Year 2019: £205.93
- Funds in March 2019: £215.00 / Total Year 2019: £300.00
- March Co-op Grant (1st Payment May 2019): £401.78 (28/03/19)
- Accounts Total: £2258.57
- £1000.00 Ringfenced: Cudworth Christmas Lights
- £100.00 Ringfenced: Accounts externally verified
- Total: £1158.57
Action Points from February CBCT meeting:
- Co-op Collection Box Volunteer: Saturday 16th March (CF: £50.00) / Saturday 23rd (CF/SB/SB/AS: £80.00)
- Accounts externally verified – Passed to Tina Heaton 26.03.19 with our 2018 meeting minutes Tina added to CBCT constitution as an advisory board member.
- Easter Egg Raffle – The Easter Eggs have been collected but the Co-op are unable to sell tickets and display the hamper – The hamper will go into Wishes post Mother’s Day and CBCT members will try and sell tickets with other local shops.
- Christmas Shoe Box appeal – Contact has been made with Gemma Buckley. We’re going to help promote the project and set up drop off points.
- Calendar/Photography competition: Barnsley Photographic Society passing the details onto their members.
- Yorkshire CCC Bunny – Amy Scattergood has decorated the bunny. Kerry Barker acting as our contact with Yorkshire CCC for the player signatures with an end of April 2019 deadline.
- Cudworth in Canada – A tracked introduction letter was sent by Cudworth Town Office in Saskatchewan with a selection of our leaflets/press clippings – Letter was by our secretary Andrew Scattergood and the postage was donated by Chair Chris Fox.
- Sheffield Hallam University Venture Project update – See notes below.
- Set a date for A.G.M. in April and quick run through – See notes below.
CBCT Notes & Ongoing Projects:
It was stated that the nominations would need to be received for Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer and would need to be formally proposed and seconded before the AGM.
The date for the A.G.M was set for Wednesday 1st May at 6.00pm at the Bow Street Office.
A.G.M. Schedule
- Opening remarks/Welcome Apologies
- Minutes of previous AGM (Not applicable: First CBCT A.G.M.)
- Matters arising from the Minutes (Not applicable: First CBCT A.G.M.)
- Presentation of Annual Report (Chair/Secretary)
- Presentation of Accounts (Treasurer)
- Election of Management Committee
- Chairperson: Chris Fox
Proposed: Charlie Wraith MBE
Seconded: Andrew Scattergood & all attendees - Secretary: Andrew Scattergood
Proposed: Chris Fox
Seconded: Kerry Barker & all attendees - Treasurer: Postponed due to absentee(s)
Will be confirmed at least 2 weeks to the A.G.M. and members/board will be given notification to vote/object. - Advisory board members to be raised at the A.G.M.
1. Tina Heaton (Current advisory member).
2. TBC or not filled.
3. TBC or not filled. - New motions to be put to the A.G.M.
- Amendments to the Constitution
- Any Other Competent Business Closing remarks
Fundraising Updates
- Better Barnsley Bond Application: The form and supplementary material sent off: 27.03.19 towards funding for ongoing costs of Cudworth Christmas Lights.
- Tea in the Park – Tombola: Form and £15.00 passed to David Gill: 28.03.18 (£15.00 donated by CF)
- Cudworth Christmas Fair 2019 – Co-op Grant – 1st payment due May 2019: Currently the funding stands at: £401.78 (28.03.19)
Project Updates
- We have a rough timeline of projects on the Visit Cudworth Website.
- Fund raising is a priority – Aiming for £1600.00 by the end of July. (£1000.00 collecting / £600.00 CrowdFunding). A discussion was held regarding the various options available in relation to fund raising. In relation to the remembrance light specifically, the option of a sponsor was also addressed and may be considered going forward depending on the success of other sources of income.
Calendar & Photography Competition
- CF expressed his intention to present some of the photographs already received ahead of the deadline as well as mock-up layout of the calendar.
- It was also stated that was an on-going need to keep promoting the competition via the various social media outlets and local schools. Action Point: AS said that he would contact the local primary schools to remind them of this as they have all run their respective photography competitions.
Cudworth Bunny Trail School Bunnies
- The group met on Tuesday 26th March to decide upon the winners of the primary school bunny design competition. An overall winner from each school was selected along with 10 ‘highly commended’ entries. Each ‘highly commended entrant will receive a certificate and a cream egg with the overall winners have their design transfer to the bunny and a large Easter egg. Action Point: CF to produce certificates and purchase cream eggs. AS to purchase larger eggs
- School Bunnies decorated by: It was proposed that Sally Bean would complete two of the bunnies (Birkwood and Churchfield) with Amy Scattergood producing the third (Cherrydale)
- AS is due present certificates and prizes in respective school assemblies during w.b. 8th April where the final bunny designs will also be revealed (where possible).
- CF is due to pick up the other bunnies from artists during April and the leaflet design and website updates set for May 2019.
Shop Local Campaign
- CF to finish distributing stickers and to update shop listings on the website: April 2019.
Cudworth Christmas Fair 2019
- CF stated that bookings would begin for the Christmas Fair 2019. Action Point: He stated that he would begin to send out booking forms and receiving payment imminently.
- Stall hire costs £823.00 including VAT, delivery and collection. To collect from the Co-op address then there will be an additional cost of sending a private courier in for the return leg of the hire due to the issues the company had last year. CF has asked for updated quote.
Remembrance Light
- CF suggested that the initial full quote for the price of the remembrance light might be slightly highly than originally quoted and has asked for an up to date price. A suggestion was also made to launch a CrowdFunding appeal to fund the light in April.
Cudworth Walk
- It was confirmed that the circular walk would now be split down in to three separate maps with the hope that the first two could be completed in the next few weeks.
- It was confirmed that AS and CF would complete all three walks on Sunday 7th April and all other members of the group and the local community were welcome to join them. They are due to meet at 9:00am on Sunday outside the front of the Cudworth Co-op
- The three Routes/Maps would be:
- Carlton Marsh
- Cudworth Common
- Storrs Wood & Stone Faces
- It was suggested that Wellbeing funding may be available in order to pay for the printing of maps as well as purchase signage and notice boards and improve paths. The aim is to explore options and sites when out on the walks and create a ‘wish list’ of potential signs and boards. The was also an expression of interest that we work with other groups on this project.
Sheffield Hallam University Venture Project update
- AS stated that he had been in contact with SHU regarding a proposed title and overview of the project and would send this off the following day (29th March). This was ‘Cudworth: Our History, our Heritage’. We would like the students to consider producing an installation that celebrates the history and heritage of our village. With its coal mining heritage, strong community spirit, and famous former residents it would be great if the piece could encapsulate this in some way.
- We are due to visit SHU on Monday the 29th April in order to network and speak with the students. This will also include a 5 minute ‘pitch’ to students
Gingerbread Person Trail / Christmas Window Display Comp
- A brief discussion was held regarding the gingerbread person trail and the Christmas window display competition. Due to time constraints, however, it was proposed that this would move to the following meeting.
Pride of Cudworth
- Look at a “Celebration of Cudworth” event Summer 2020
- Pride of Banners costed: 5 banners @ £1000.00
- Package together a number of projects/events and get other groups involved
- Timeline Tea in the Park / Cudworth Bunny Trail / CudStock – Something related to Music / History / Art / Heritage
Meeting finished: 7:09pm
Date for CBCT diary:
- Saturday 30th March 2019, 10.00am – 12.00 Noon.
Great British Spring Clean – Litter Pick.
Cudworth Park. - Saturday 6th April.
- Co-op Collection Box Volunteering.
Cudworth Co-op. - Sunday 7th April, 9.00am
Cudworth Walk Test Run
Cudworth Co-op - Saturday 20th April
Cudworth Remembrance Light – CrowdFunder Launch - Saturday 27th April.
Co-op Collection Box Volunteering.
Cudworth Co-op.
Monday 29th April 2019, 5.30pm - Hallam University Venture Project
Sheffield Hallam Institute of Arts.(Fitzalan Square, Sheffield S1 2AY). - Wednesday 1st May 2019, 6.00pm – 7.00pm.
Bow Street Office, Cudworth.