Cudworth Dementia Scheme

If you are out and about in Cudworth you may see that many of the shops are displaying window stickers regarding being dementia friendly. The Chair from Barnsley Dementia Action Alliance and the Cudworth Social inclusion Officer from Age UK Barnsley are working together visiting shops and organisations encouraging them to sign up to the Dementia Friendly Cudworth initiative.

We would like people who are living with dementia to remain as active and independent as possible for as long as possible, and if businesses are dementia friendly it enables people to live in their own communities for as long as possible with support and is also good for the local economy as they are still using local shops, so its a win-win situation all round.

As it’s a small friendly community, many of you will be doing things that are dementia friendly already, such as advising customers on the most suitable product and helping them make choices. counting out money for them and putting change away safely, or offering a seat or quiet space if someone becomes distressed.

We appreciate that as many of you only have small shops it can be difficult to make changes to the physical environment, but something as simple as changing a black doormat, which people with dementia may see as a hole, for a rusty coloured one can be a big help, as can assisting customers in and out of your premises.

If you would like to know more about becoming dementia friendly please contact Christine on 07552 6146652 or