About the Cudworth Bunny Trail

Running from the end of June to the end of September 2018 the Cudworth Bunny Trail has returned for its second year.

Children and their parents are invited to follow their bunny maps to track down a series of different ceramic bunny sculptures hidden in twelve Cudworth shops and venues.

Visit any Bunny Stop to pick up your free map then pop into each place on the trail to get your special bunny stickers.

Collect all twelve stickers and then visit Wishes to collect your free treat bag.

This year the bunnies have been painted by different artists and are hidden all over the village, so we challenge you to find them all.


Help us keep Cudworth clean and tidy. Please don’t drop litter around our little village as it can hurt our wildlife. Discarded drink cans are tempting to small animals who are looking for food or shade. Animals can be cut by the cans’ sharp edges too.

Broken glass can cause serious injury and animals can get trapped in jars. Animals can climb inside plastic bags and suffocate, or eat them and choke. Animals can get entangled in plastic can holders. Chewing gum is very bad for our animals if they eat it.

Let’s look after Cudworth and our Cudworth critters. Protecting wildlife from harmful rubbish is easy: Dispose of your rubbish responsibly in a nearby rubbish bin.

A tidy Cudworth is a nice place for our animals to live in and be happy bunnies.

Keep Cudworth Tidy


Wishes of Cudworth
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